BACK WINTER RESIDENTS: Ward: Elder Marie: Adult Ward: Baby Narrated by Ward Back oh dear poor Marie had an accident right in front of the baby too. Marie thinks we should have another baby. I quite liked that idea, just in case anything happens to this little one. I have this funny looking juice to drink to keep me young and vitalized. It's lovely looking after Ward, and skilling while Marie is at work Marie did manage to get a promotion too. oh dear I have burnt the food again. as long as Ward gets fed, does it matter what us adults eat. Marie goes on the pc sometimes. Not sure what she does on there though time for Ward's birthday Poor old Marie, she wet herself again. maybe because she is pregnant again. we didn't manage to get a face picture of Ward, but I gave him some milk that makes him learn quicker. toddler skills galore, potty training done. and walking done for Ward Marie likes to paint pictures but she doesn't really finish them. I am loving all the cuddles...