OWBC PHONE SPRING RESIDENTS: Tel: Elder Kenya: Elder Bamboo: Adult Charlie: Adult Ollie: Adult Leon: Toddler Lilly: Toddler narrated by Charlie Ollie is a strange one, he sometimes just stand there doing nothing i have the day off and concentrate on my logic skills by playing chess the twins are still doing well both get bathed and fed Odette came to visit too. Bamboo has started doing his bug hunt and is pregnant again too I practice my charisma skill and the toddler so they thing we have added more flamingos to the yard Ollie love to play on the pool table and Kenya does her own thing too time for birthdays our special little ones have grown. more bung hunting for Bamboo and the belly grows too double homework time more skills work for me other family members are reading about different stuff Even Tel has a break now and then and plays with the race car all that skill has worked and I have another promotion. Bamboo says his belly his getting heavy Ollie still goes to work...