GROWING FAMILIES - DITFT (BACKWARDS) SPRING KEATON RESIDENTS: Alex: Adult Madeline: Adult Donovan: Adult Esther: Adult Objectives; Marry and Woohoo a sim: ongoing 2 children different mothers/fathers: Ongoing no job do anything except Ongoing bug hunt and skill that crreates fun. ongoing Narrated by Alex Madeline table manners are not so great. But it is nice to get to know Esther Donovan is still out hunting bugs and gets chased by bees still. Esther went into labour in the bedroom I think it must have hurt a lot I do now have a granddaughter called Charlotte, I can't believe I am a grandfather Donovan and Esther randomly decided to get married there and then and I was the only was who attended a little romance in the bedroom Maddy loves being a grandmother not sure if Donovan likes hunting for bugs or just gives him something to do time for a triple birthday Can you believe I am now an elder and so is Maddy and Charlotte is now a toddler Esther came back with a promo...