Ward Back: Elder
Marie Back: Adult
Ward Back: Child
Wanda Back: Child

Narrated By Ward Back

Marie keeps forgetting that she is a cook and can prepare meals

so she decided to take a bath instead

and then she tells me I should cook, as I am home all day.

I did cook either later or the next morning, I can't remember which

but we forgot to buy an extra chair for the table and Wanda had to sit on the sofa.

I do get peace during the day, and try to do some painting while it is quiet.

no promotion for Marie today, but a cuddle from Ward makes it all better.

and then I have to help the children with their homework

Marie likes to watch over the children at night.

and I do like to keep the place looking clean.

Did I tell you that we brought a chess board, Marie and I have great fun using it.

And on with the homework again.

Time to make a cake

It's Ward's teenage birthday.

oops Marie got in the way of Ward's teenage picture. Here is a popularity sim

when the children went to bed Marie and I had some fun.

a woman in some sort of fancy dress

dropped off a lamp.

the peace and quiet when everybody has gone out, to either school or work

here is a better picture of Ward and in his private school uniform

Bt I still have to help with the homework, one day Ward will have to teach his own children, so I might as well give him all my knowledge.

Marie got another promotion all those games of chess must have helped.

We actually had a family meal, we got that extra chair for the table too.

Ward and Marie decided to have

a good long conversation in the bathroom while everyone was asleep.

The children sleep in which ever bed is free

Ward manage to make some breakfast and Marie cleaned up the dishes

Ward was reminding Marie about the time she wet herself, I don't think Marie likes to think about that.

As said the lady dropped off this lamp, and there is a genie inside it, and it said I have three wishes. So I wished for peace of mind. I am never going to get my ltw, so I might as well enjoy my life.

Early in the morning we got up and went out for the day

we went to the local carnival, there were clowns who juggled.

I thought the children would have enjoyed but their preferred to just talk to each other

But Marie had go on the hammer machine.

Well, I certainly enjoyed it, not sure about the children and the missus.

I am getting to old to do this sort of thing.

Not sure what Wanda and Ward are talking about but she doesn't look happy

While Marie was at work, the three of sat and watched a football game.

but having one bathroom doesn't help, everybody seems to want to go at the same time.

When Marie got back from work, we had some fun in the bedroom.

Marie remembered she can cook and made a cake, but Ward couldn't wait until then.

Sadly Marie had to work and missed out on watching Wanda grow into

teenager. She is a popularity sim.

*Torch-Holders: 10 points = 1 = 10
*Perma-Platinum sims: = 10 points =
*Shrink Visits: -5 points = 
*Social Bunny Visits: - 5 points = 
*passing out: -5 points = 1 = -5
* self wetting: -5 points = 3 = -15
*Social Worker Visits: - 5 points =
*Accidental Deaths.-10 points =
*Reach the top of a career: 10 points =
*100,000.: 10 points per 10,000 =
*A+ = +5 points

Start - 5
a+ = +5
finished  = 0


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