Boolprop! • View topic - The Disney Princess Challenge
So this another new challenge, the rules are from Nooboostar at Boolprop, as you can see there is a link
Snow White: Family/knowledge - Celebrity Chef
Generation 1: Snow White
“I’m sure I’ll get along somehow. Everything’s going to be alright.”

May not attend college.
Must have 7 children (i.e. the 7 dwarves).
All children must have the same genetic parents.
Must maximize her cleaning, cooking, and mechanical skills.
By the time each child is a teenager, help them maximize one skill (eg: creativity, cooking, etc.)
May never allow strangers into the house or talk to elderly women. This would include NPCs like the Matchmaker, the Garden Club hostess, service sims, etc.
Due to the above rule and based on Snow’s personality from the movie the entire household is responsible for chores (i.e. cooking, cleaning, repairs, etc).
Cannot get a job. Instead, Snow earns her income at home via other methods (i.e. painting, writing, gardening, etc).
Must get a gold talent badge in Gardening.
Must maximize her Nature hobby via safe options such as bug-hunting, bird watching, etc. Options such as hiking are not allowed, due to safety concerns.
May only marry whoever she wants after the last ‘dwarf’ is born.
Here is my Snow White
time to start the gardening
it is going to go well
I didn't get a picture of the welcome wagon, but we have Jihoon Hsu
Nerys Gatsby and Stephen Echo in the background
and everybody in the toilet no privacy in this house
looks like we might have a baby daddy.
and we work on a gardening badge
we got a bronze badge but i was on speed three and i missed it
We invite Jihoon over and he brings a friend
they have a date it goes
very well
and we have the invitation to the Peerless Park.
more working on the garden
and we have the first of seven on the way
and we also got the silver badge too
time for food.
more gardening
food time
sleep time
and cleaning the house
sorry more gardening, i thought she might have given birth in the garden
but she didn't she gave
birth in the house
and it's a baby boy called Bashful.
Sorry not sorry this is one of the goals we have to complete
time to clean up the house
and time for a birthday Bashful
is now a toddler
and it will be slow going has her aspiration is not high enough to do smart milk.
cuddle for Bashful
potty training
and yes we have completed the Gardening challenge
time to call Jihoon over
to work on another baby
Have to wait till next time if there is a baby on the way. Have to move house too, as this started glitching on Tuesday (sim time) but i had already started the garden.
Must get a gold talent badge in Gardening done
This seems like a fun challenge.