THE DISNEY PRINCESS CHALLENGE (BCKWDS) GOTHEL FALL RESIDENTS: Tiana and Dominic: Elders Mulan: Adult narrated by Mulan Mum and Dad had a date there are still going to try and get Dad's ltw of 50 dream dates this is 1 of 4 dates today let's say they had some fun don't worry haven't forgotten about the lizard he got fed and some time with him. this could be date 2 or 3 or 4 it is mostly the same time talk, chat, entertain, dance, flirt, hug, kiss and adult fun. I am sure those two are too old for his and here they go again. And i thought this generation was about me. and another one Yep pretty sure i don't want to see that. and off to work i go i got a promotion and brought back Leslie Teller a bit of romance and some adult fun for me. and dad got a membership somewhere from this lady. time for another date for mum and dad and same old same old rinse and repeat until it is a dream date. a quick break playing games and riding the bike When i got back from work they...