
Showing posts from February, 2022


 OWBC PHONE SPRING RESIDENTS: Tel: Adult Kenya: Adult Bamboo: Child Ollie: Toddler narrated by Bamboo This is my little brother Ollie, mum and dad call him their bad apple whatever that means Mum helped me do my homework and some naughty person knocked over our trashcan Mummy got a promotion and daddy is pregnant with an alien baby, cool. Daddy gave birth in the morning before school we have a new baby sister called Odette Mummy and daddy remembered to put more flamingoes outside I like watching movies with my mum and dad plays with Ollie just in time for his birthday I now have someone to play with. Ollie likes looking at the baby and I still love watching films with mum mum wanted to get us into private school and called around the headmaster he didn't start off so well but he liked the food and a house, and now Ollie and I go to private school I told Ollie that maths will get harder as he gets older, he wasn't happy. Time for alien birthday Odette is now a toddler Dad gave h...


 OWBC PHONE WINTER RESIDENTS: Tel: Adult Kenya: Adult Bamboo: Toddler narrated by Kenya Just watching some television while Bamboo plays pregnancy is hard on me and I need to eat a lot Tel is a great dad and has taught Bamboo most of his toddler skills but sometimes I don't have the energy to look after him it won't be long until Bamboo has a brother or sister time to catch up some friends and play with Bamboo and cuddles Tel still trying to get abducted by aliens time for a brother or sister for Bamboo another boy called Ollie Still need to add Ollie's flamingoes I got myself a job don't worry Tel is home for a few days and looking after the children time for a birthday Bamboo is a child. Bamboo first day at school I hope he has fun I think it was very tiring Time for a birthday Ollie is now a toddler time for some smart milk not sure what is happening but he seems ok. fingers crossed. time for some red hands and potty training Tel is pregnant (make sure you press the ...