NAME GAME CHALLENGE NEWSON GENERATION TWO RESIDENTS: Iago: Adult Yvette: Adult Abijai: teenager Aerobium: teenager Gajik: Child Ovayo: toddler Monday: Aerobium plays console and Yvette plays the violin Abi helps Ovayo with his last toddler skill and time for a birthday and Ovayo is a child. and Aero reached her toc. Tuesday: the parents skill after school the children play game Aero paints and Yvette skills Yvette and Aero talk about money. Wednesday: It is a snow day usually i just make them walk to school but i decided let them stay at home and learn skills. Adults are chatting on the phone the girls play with their handhelds Abi meets Lenny Coleman and gets on great and has his first kiss and nearly all family meal. Thursday: Iago skills and the boys play game before school Yvette reaches her ltw Criminal Master new ltw Top Entertainment career the girls do their homework Ovayo chats with his dad time for another birthday Gajik is now a teenager Pleasure/fortune - Business Tyco...