UNIVERSITY HEIRS AND SPARES Heirs RESIDENTS: Francine Anderson: Knowledge/fortune head of SCIA (alphabet/animal legacy) Grayson Gatsby: Pleaure/pop 50st dates (Genetics challenge) Peaches Rainbow; Family/Romance - become an Icon (rainbow/random legacy) Freshman year/1st term exam results GRADES AND GPA'S Francine A+ 4.0 Grayson A 3.9 Peaches a 3.9 Semester Two GRADES AND GPA'S Francine B -3.5 Grayson A - 3.9 Politics major Peaches A - 3.9 Sophomore first semester GRADES AND GPA Francine - A+ 3.6 Grayson - C 3.3. Peaches - C 3.3. Second semester GRADES AND GPA'S Francine - A+ 3.7 Grayson - B 3.3. Peaches - B 3.2 JUNIOR semester one Grades and gpa's Francine - A+ 3.8 Grayson - C+ 3.1 Peaches - C+ 3.1 Second semester GRADES AND GPA'S Francine - A 3.8 Grayson - B 3.1 Peaches - B 3.1 Senior Semester one GRADES AND GPA'S Francine A+ 3.8 Grayson C+ 3.0 Peaches B 3.1 Second Semester Final grades and Gpa's Francine - A+ 3.8 Grayson - B+ 3.1 Peaches - B+ 3.1 Spares B...