
Showing posts from December, 2020


 ISBI INCHMAN GENERATION FOUR RESIDENTS: Demi: Elder Imogen: Elder Isla: Adult Neil: Adult Iasus: Adult: Knowlege/pleasure - Hand of Poseidon Monday: Iasus called up Henry Hadley and invites to move in, he does with £13,000 and very quick engagement and wedding and cake everybody enjoyed the cake and to consummate the marriage. Tuesday: Iasus got a job in Oceanography and a promotion time to feed himself the others forgot how to cook Iasus was halfway through mending the bathtub when he popped Wednesday: Iasus and Neil share the couch Iasus chats with Demi and then she died and Isla is now an elder. Thursday: we are having a baby and it's twin girls Illyssa and Irene Neil is overwhelmed Isla is still going to work Neil turned into an elder sadly Henry died of Starvation. Friday: and older generations comes out to visit the grandchildren Isla wets herself Iasus goes to work and lots of people trying to feed the babies all the time. Saturday: Neil wets himself he is not happy time fo...


GENETICS/GOLD DIGER CHALLENGE GATSBY GENERATION FOUR RESIDENTS: Gabriel: Elder Clarence: Elder Gill: Adult George: Child Grayson: Child Greta: Child Monday: Clarence rings his work and retires, and he dances with glee The adult and the elders skill and Gill is pregnant and the family play. Tuesday another bump this is either George or Grayson and here both of them talking about music Tuesday: Gill warms herself up by the fire and talks to the gardener Ericka we have a baby girl called Grace (still with black hair) We also celebrate two other birthday today George and Grayson become teenagers George Red Sweater Knowledge/Grilled Cheese Prestidigator Straight and Grayson Pleasure/Popular 50 1st dates and Bi (heir) Thursday: Gill is going to the hidden bubble tower this on of the Colemans, no money  haven't seen much of Greta time for a another birthday Grace is a toddler and the teens both got jobs. Friday: Clarence and Gabriel talk about fashion Gill needs a new spouse maybe this on...