ISBI INCHMAN GENERATION FOUR RESIDENTS: Demi: Elder Imogen: Elder Isla: Adult Neil: Adult Iasus: Adult: Knowlege/pleasure - Hand of Poseidon Monday: Iasus called up Henry Hadley and invites to move in, he does with £13,000 and very quick engagement and wedding and cake everybody enjoyed the cake and to consummate the marriage. Tuesday: Iasus got a job in Oceanography and a promotion time to feed himself the others forgot how to cook Iasus was halfway through mending the bathtub when he popped Wednesday: Iasus and Neil share the couch Iasus chats with Demi and then she died and Isla is now an elder. Thursday: we are having a baby and it's twin girls Illyssa and Irene Neil is overwhelmed Isla is still going to work Neil turned into an elder sadly Henry died of Starvation. Friday: and older generations comes out to visit the grandchildren Isla wets herself Iasus goes to work and lots of people trying to feed the babies all the time. Saturday: Neil wets himself he is not happy time fo...