
Showing posts from November, 2020


BOARD GAME CHALLENGE BEAR GENERATION 5 Residents: Sam: Adult Scarlett: Adult Dandelion: Teen Banana: Teen Mustard: Child Gold: Child Dijon: Baby Monday: ok it been so long since i played this that i can't remember everyone's name Sam seem to have topped another career, nope can't read my writing children do their homework time for a birthday and Sam is in the nude again Dijon is now a toddler and Dandelion goes to college Tuesday: Sam has clothes on Sam has clothes off Banana met Peaches and chatted with each other teenager and a child hug. Wednesday: Sam just loves to be naked Scarlett hugs Dijon Sam hugs a child time for a birthday Mustard is now a teenager romance/fortune, straight and wants to own 5 top 10 business. and the ghosts we out scaring tonight. Thursday: Scarlett and Sam have chat in the morning Scarlett takes care of Dijon Banana chats to Peaches time for another birthday Dijon is a child and Banana went to college. Friday: Sam is hungry and in the nude Child...


 ALPHABET/ANIMAL LEGACY ANDERSON GENERATION FIVE Residents: Dacio: Elder Sam: Elder Emmaline: Adult Sam: Adult Francine: Teenager Floise: Child Dog: Edward Eileen: Cat Monday (it has been a while since i have played this house) One of the elders is talking to Sam about blocks the family that skills together stays together and one of the elders playing with Eileen the cat. Tuesday Sam still has his job in the culinary career More skilling not for Dacio has he has maxed his skills Emmaline got a promotion in the politics career and one of the elders played with the dog Wednesday: One of the elders in bathing the dog Sam maxed a skill and Sam is not far behind Floise chatting to Sam before she grows up Floise is about to become a teenager Fortune/Knowledge Ecologist and Heterosexual Francine and Emmaline get skilling and A ghost comes out, and i can't remember who it is. Thursday: Sam pays the bills Emaline got another promotion Francine went off to college nearly everybody rushed off...